Thursday, January 1, 2009

Chapter 2: Counter Strike

Reaper had just woken from his bed when he heard the bell for breakfest being pulled. Reaper quickly rushed into his armor and dashed to the mess tent. When he sat down there was several RPF troops next to him muttering about something. Reaper decided to listen in.

"Did you hear what he did?" whispered one

"Ya, he nearly killed Tuxedo's mayor. Then he took an RPF plane and almost shot Commando." muttered another

"If only he were hear right now, I'd strangle him." said one on the other side of the table

"Did you see the color of his skin? It was blood red!" Stated a penguin sitting next to Reaper.

Reaper shuddered as he remembered the blood red penguin in the crab-like machine. Then Reaper remembered the blood red slug on Emperer's arm.

Reaper put the thought out of his mind and ate some of the slop on his plate.

Then a message came in on the intercom from Furbur: Because both Commando and Omega are injoured I have been made a temporary leader of RPF until one of them recovers. In other news most of you know that an unidentified penguin with blood red skin has been making several murders around RPF territory. The suspect is flying a RPF plane and is fairly easy to spot. Finnily, it is Reaper's day to patrol to the boreders we have set in Tundra."

Reaper had not rembered that it was his day to patrol. It came to him as a bit of a shock. Reaper rushed to the weopanry to grab his gun and went to the border.

Most of the borders were clear and had only snow, when Reaper reached the area were the battle had taken place a day before, it was still wet with blood. The area was close to being a red swamp.

Reaper quickly moved through the area. Then he heard a plane in the distance from the ACP borders. Reaper susected an attack so he leaped to one of the bunkers at aimed his gun, only to find a RPF plane.

Then Reaper looked through his view finder to see that a blood red skinned penguin was aperating it. At even closer look, it was Emperer he saw.

Reaper quickly got a lock on the cock pit. Emperer saw Reaper and made a hard turn left towards him.

Reaper fired at the cock pit. The bullet shadered the glass but Emperer's body remained untouched. Reaper grabed a bazoka from a nearby dead RPF trooper. Reaper had never fired a bazoka and he only had one shot.

Reaper made a desperate fire, only to have a lucky shot and see the plane go down in pieces.

With the problem solved Reaper walked around the border and came back to the mess tent right when lunch had began.

Reaper sat in the same area near the same penguins because they always seemed to inorme him of recent news.

"The plane was shot right out of the sky! When we serched the remains of the plane we found only the RPF plane and some RPF ammo, one from a rifle and another from a bazoka. Some trooper had fired at the plane." whispered one

"That wasn't all, we serched the area where the roket should have been fired and we found a bazoka with clear fingure prints on it. They are being procesed right now. Whoever fired it will be in serious trouble. Almost taking secounds at breakfest trouble."

Reaper remebered the text on the black bored: Shoting another RPF member: 50years of prison, Taking secounds at breakfest: 51years of prison.

Reaper simply ate his slop and exited the mess tent, not sure of what to do next. Then Reaper heard a chuckle coming from out side the camp. Emperer was walking/limping over towards him with machine gun in is hands.

Reaper drew his gun and loaded it. Aiming the gun for Emperer's head. Reaper shot the gun right inbetween Emperer's eyes.

Reaper aproched the body to see his work. The body was not bleeding, small tenticals were reparing the hole in Emperer's skin, Emperer had grin on his face, and Emperer was cocking the machine gun.

Not sure what to make of it, Reaper made larger hole with his gun and stuck a granade in it.

Jumping to a bunker to avoid the explotion it was quite clear that Emperer was dead to him.

Then Reaper heard Furbur on theintercom: "Reaper please enter the main tent to be triled for the murder of an RPF member."

Reaper walked over to the main tent with a glum look on his face.

To be continued(Probably)...

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